Okay, let's be frank here. With any piece of media that has existed for more than a few moments, fans of all types are going to have some questions to ask. Achievement Hunter's fandom is no exception. Due to the frequency of how often these questions have been asked over the years, this page was made for both newer fans and older fans who have been here for ages, but haven't had the time to catch up on content for whatever reason. If any of these questions start to sound repetitive, you can thank those who don't take 5-10 seconds of their life to look something up on Google.
You know who you are.
Q: Where is ________? I haven't seen them in any videos lately. Did they leave?
Q: When/where do they livestream? I can't seem to find any of their past VODs anywhere.
A: Currently, it's every Friday at 1 pm CST, and the streams go on for about 3-4 hours. As for Off Topic, the podcast is streamed live every Thursday around 3 pm CST (or not "live" if an episode is prerecorded), and each episode runs for about 1 1/2 hours. Post Team Does Stuff comes right after Off Topic at 4:30 pm CST, and they go for as long as they want to, though generallly, it's also for 1 1/2 hours. You can watch all these streams live on RTTV and Twitch! If you happened to miss a stream, don't worry. Off Topic is archived on the RT site and on YouTube every Saturday and Sunday, respectively, at 12 pm CST. The rest of their livestreams (including the Post Team streams) are archived exclusively on their site within a few days after the original stream date.
Q: When I'm watching a livestream, how do I know if it's actually live or just pre-recorded?
This symbol right here. If you see the word "LIVE" in white text on a red background anywhere on the stream, that means it's... well, live. Another hint if you miss it is if whoever's streaming refers to a comment from the chat at any moment during their slot, and you can see said comment in the chat. If you're still stumped somehow, feel free to just ask the chat moderators. Otherwise, it's either an archived video or a pre-recorded episode, depending on the schedule shown below the video on the RT site. Simple as that.
Q: Now that AHWU isn't a thing anymore, are we still able to send the crew gifts and fanart?
A: Absolutely! After Achievement Hunter ended their weekly update series (may it rest in peace), Steffie (the former social media manager for AH) clarified on Tumblr that the community can still send the AH crew any mail/gifts/art/whatever to the same address that's been repeated on almost every AHWU episode, which is:
With fanart especially, Shelby (the current social media manager for AH) likes sharing what the community makes under the tag #AHFanArt on social media platforms like Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram. If you're a fanartist, that's the most recommended way for your art to been seen by more people!
Q: So like, who owns Rooster Teeth these days? Is it still Fullscreen, or...?
A: From lowest to highest: Currently, Achievement Hunter is a subsidiary (or subdivision) of Rooster Teeth, which is a subsidiary of Otter Media, which is a company under Warner Bros. Discovery, which was formed of the spin-off of WarnerMedia (formerly known as Time Warner) by AT&T and its merger with Discovery, Inc. on April 8th, 2022. If you find any of this confusing, don't worry. We do, too. This is the simplest explanation we can think of. Welcome to capitalism.
Q: What's up with the Let's Play Family? Do they still exist?
A: Yes... kinda. It's a fairly complicated story. Most of the channels/groups who were a part of the family in its initial formation are still active, Achievement Hunter included, but for the channels that aren't...
Q: Why doesn't anyone on the Off Topic set drink anymore?
A: 'Cause they're old. No joking.
Though it's been explained by the AH crew a few times by now, Gustavo gave a solid answer on RT Podcast #702: When the COVID-19 pandemic first started kicking off back in early 2020, many people at Rooster Teeth started working from home, on-screen talent included, which of course led them to drink less alcohol out of habit. Once it was safe enough to come back to the studio in person, there was briefly a rule established that limited the number of alcoholic drinks to 2 per person because of COVID restrictions, but that coincidentally lined up with them not drinking as much as they used to, so even without those restrictions, they just don't feel the need to drink a lot on camera anymore.Q: What date and time is Extra Life this year?
A: RT Extra Life will start on November 12th, 2022 at 10 am Central Time. It will be going on for 12 hours, ending around 10 pm Central Time. Like 2021's Extra Life stream, this one is also 12 hours long because COVID's still a thing, and it's important that everyone participating in person stays safe and healthy. Before everything that's come to life about Rooster Teeth in mid-October 2022, we would've just given you guys a link to donate to Extra Life through RT. Now, if you feel uncomfortable doing so for any reason, we'll also be including alternative donation links below:
Q: What date and time is RTX this year?
A: This year, RTX went from July 1st to July 3rd, 2022, with registration starting on June 30th. As for the time? 10 am CST for registration on the 30th, and 9 am CST for registration for the actual event on July 1st. You can see the full schedule below, with minor edits from us. Eventually, this answer will update with info about RTX 2023, which will go on between July 7th to July 9th that year.
You can see the full-res images here, here, and here.
The original version of the schedule can be found here. On that same page, RT has also made a schedule for RTX "at a glance", which you can see below:
Q: What video did [insert moment here] come from?
A: Well, depending on the moment, that question is harder to answer. You see, with AH existing for well over a decade, many inside jokes and cool events have come, gone, and occasionally remained in the general consiousness of the community. You can bet that the most popular ones have been immortalized in videos and on merchandise, but for anything that is relatively to extremely obscure, the best you can do if Google fails you is either ask other community members on social media who have been here for a long time, or go to r/TipOfMyRooster as a last resort.
Q: Hey, this episode of [insert series here] isn't showing up on my feed. What gives?
A: Oh dear. So, the primary reason any video can be delayed is because of technical difficulties. It could be anything from importing/exporting errors, someone's gameplay capture crashing, a video requiring a reupload due to something that needed to be edited out (like personal information), anything you can think of! No matter the reason, always check AH's official Twitter account first. Best case scenario: the video isn't delayed, and the schedule is just missing shit. Worst case scenario? There's nothing you can do except wait a bit longer. Practice some patience.
Q: Why does AH Animated look different every episode?
A: Hey, that's a good question! The main answer is that animation is fucking hard and time-consuming. The longer answer is that having a rotating crew of animators gives everyone both a chance to edit AH audio down to ~1-3 minutes before animating everything, and a chance to relax after all of their hard work before starting their next animation. Currently, the AH contract/freelance animators are Shaun "Shaunningham" Cunningham, Misty "MissTVHead" Townsend, Jaime "GuavaJagular" Aguilar, and TheVinnyVoltage. The thick-line animation you may see from time to time is done by animators who work at RT, but there are way too many to list here. Their names are at the end of each episode, and if you got this far into the FAQ, then you can read the end credits just fine.
Q: Is there an explanation for why Gavin doesn't/rarely says "fuck"?
A: Personal preference, more or less. If you ever watch or listen to really old Drunk Tank podcasts or RT videos he's in, you may notice that Gav is more vulgar. He's somewhat toned it down since then because allegedly, one of his family members was watching a video he was in and commented on his language. It embarrassed him to the point of stopping. Alongside that, since pretty much everyone else curses often, he chose to not swear as much, and uses nonsensical words and silly British slang to substitute swears. He still says "fuck" outside of content, but on camera, don't expect to hear it outside of rare occurences.
Unlike most of the answers here, you may have noticed that this one doesn't link any outside sources. That's because finding one was way more difficult than expected! Extensive research has led us to learn that Gavin has explained his reasoning for rarely saying "fuck" several times, most notably on the RT Podcast. However, skimming through several hours worth of content is daunting, so we had to rely on years-old Reddit comments instead, and these are the most common answers we found. If you have any direct sources that confirm or contradict what's been said here, please let us know! We'll be forever grateful! ♡