This is an unofficial fansite for updates on Achievement Hunter, Rooster Teeth's video gaming subdivision. Created on July 6th, 2008, the group's primary focus is on let's plays, but they also dabble in live action content when they're not playing video games. This site was created on March 31st, 2022, mainly as a way to archive and organize as much AH-related content and information as possible so that other fans can check for updates and learn about stuff they may have missed over the years of AH's existence. For a longer, even more general overview, check out the article about them on Wikipedia! You can find Achievement Hunter across the web on:This site's last update was on:
The fansite has been visited times :)
The Final Update
Yeah, this shouldn't be surprising, considering that a lot has happened over the weekend.
First, on October 14th, Matt Bragg made this tweet explaining that his position at Achievement Hunter had been dissolved. If you weren't around for it, this news was met with an outpour of support from the community and fellow RT/AH employees. Matt's stream the following day blew his sub goals out of the water, ending with over 15,000 Twitch subs. While the community focused on showering Matt with love, there were also questions about why Rooster Teeth dissolved the position of one of their beloved talents. Kdin Jenzen then made this tweet shortly after the community started to talk about Matt's leave, and how upset they were about it.
Kdin's account of the transphobia, wage theft, and workplace abuse she suffered while working at RT was extremely heartbreaking to read. Apologies from Michael, Gavin, and Geoff came out soon after. While Michael's tweet was met with this reply from Kdin saying she forgave him, and Gavin's got no interaction from Kdin at all. Most notably, her reply to Geoff was a direct call to action. Here is a link to that interaction.
Soon, Twitter was flooded with ex-employees, contractors, and former friends of Rooster Teeth, who all had similar things to say. Many of them talk about crunchtime, overtime that was never compensated, pay that was laughably low when compared to the industry standard, and an HR department that seemed pretty keen on keeping a lawsuit from happening, rather than helping their employees.
We won't be linking any specific threads here on the fansite because there are just so many of them. A quick search of "Rooster Teeth" on Twitter will pull up a lot, as well as Tumblr. The Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter subreddits have a lot of information, too.
The two of us started this project on March 30th, 2022 because of our mutual love for Achievement Hunter. Initially, we saw a need for a site like this, a place where general information about Achievement Hunter could be found. Our main goal was that we wanted this to be a place where the community could come and check out what's new, see any announcements they missed, and have a comprehensive list of series and descriptions. We had so many plans for this website that will now never come to fruition.
We cannot in good faith continue to produce fan content for a company that treats their employees the way Rooster Teeth does. We fully condemn their actions and stand firmly with the victims and the people who have suffered underneath them. Over the years, it has become clear that the company, despite the trials and tribulations of so many former (and current) employees, refuses to change for the better. They have cultivated a toxic culture that has come to a head this weekend, and because of that, we've made the heavy decision to archive the website.
The site will remain up, and the features of it all active, but besides some minor maintenance, we will no longer be making updates to it. We put a lot of hard work and effort into this site to just see it gone, so it will remain up as a resource, like it was always meant to be. We really wish it didn't have to end like this. It would have been nice to at least see this site turn one year old, but the people who have suffered under Rooster Teeth mean more to us, and we will always stand by them.
Finally, we want to say thank you to everyone who has visited the fansite, as well as those who have sent us words of encouragement on our personal Tumblr accounts. The fansite couldn't have gone over as well as it did without your guys' help and support. Despite everything, we're glad we can still come together as a community.
We love you,
Erlande and Mars ♡
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Guess what's back, 𝅘𝅥𝅮
𝅘𝅥𝅮 back again? 𝅘𝅥𝅮
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Haunter's back, 𝅘𝅥𝅮
𝅘𝅥𝅮 tell a friend~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
Yeah, we can't believe it either, but it's true! Let's break it down:
The news first went out in a thread on Rooster Teeth's Twitter account yesterday, October 4th. With a month-long event dubbed "Ghostober", RT has teamed up with the Travel Channel to provide some spooky programming. Of course, there will be non-RT series like "Ghost Adventures", but for Rooster Teeth specifically, we got:
On Rooster Teeth's Instagram Live
Live on Travel Channel's TikTok
Anything left out of these lists here are mentioned in the aformentioned Twitter thread. We'll be adding more relevant RT/AH-related information and links as more time passes. 👻
Happy Friday!
Today, Survive Block Island: Meltdown has premiered for FIRST members. We thought we were just getting the season premiere this week, but we were pleasantly surprised to see that not only have episode one and episode two dropped simultaneously, but we also have a supplementary post show called "Loser's Block" that has dropped mere minutes after. That's 4 videos total!
For convenience and clarity, this link is for episode 1, this link is for episode 2, this link is for Loser's Block episode 1, and this link is for Loser's Block episode 2. The best way to view this whole season is to watch the main episode first, starting with 1, then watch the matching Loser's Block episode so that everything flows better. Happy viewing!
Today, Red Web posted these two cool images on Twitter. The reason we're reporting this at all is because of the alt text of image 1, which says: "The Task Force headquarters set for a new, upcoming Red Web series. The set has a noire detective feel with a mystery cork board, some filing cabinets, some old wooden chairs and table, and a captured squonk."
We're so excited for this new show, and we'll be sure to update with any new information we get!
Edit 9/18/22: Hey! At the beginning of the recent Red Web episode [#108: 3 Movie Cryptids] around 2 minutes in, Trevor and Alfredo confirmed that these images are teasers for their new show titled "Case Files". The series premiere will be on September 22nd on Red Web's YouTube channel and the RT site. The duo describe it as a show where they "get hands-on with the cases that we discuss on this podcast [Red Web]. It's a variety, so every week, we do something different. Sometimes, we discuss fan theories... sometimes, we're testing out equipment that we use on the field. Other times, maybe we wanna figure out what Bigfoot would smell like! We're gonna be tackling a whole bunch of different things."
This show came to be thanks to the support of fans of Red Web. The audience wanted more content from Trevor and Alfredo, and this is what they're giving in return. They're planning an 8-week run, one episode per week, with a break after that because unlike Red Web, they're planning to keep Case Files seasonal for now. Depending on how things go, Trevor says that they "wanna keep expanding this Red Web universe. So maybe it will become weekly at some point, I don't know!" Keep your eyes peeled, task force! 🔴🕸️
News on top of news on top of news this week! Holy shit!
The most recent news this time is that Geoff and Gavin, 2 of the most busiest motherfuckers at AH, are testing a new show where they're the co-hosts. This new series is called "Does it Do?". Here is the teaser RT's official Twitter account shared:
Those who have listened to this week's F**kface may had heard the premise already, but here it is for anyone who hasn't:
Geoff pitched this idea at RT about a year ago. Basically, he and Gav are the hosts of an "infomercial docuseries reality show" where they test the ethicacy of "As Seen on TV" products to determine whether or not they're right for the audience. The linked F**kface episode above has Geoff explain more of what happened during the recordings, but we're intentionally leaving all of that out in case anyone reading this wants to go into the series as blind as possible.
For now, there will only be two episodes that are each 8-10 minutes long. This is so that RT/AH can test the waters and tweak whatever they need to after the initial audience reception. Episode 1 will air pretty soon on September 1st, with episode 2 following a week later on the 8th.
Edit 8/29/22: Okay, scratch the dates we previously said. Rooster Teeth are idiots (their words, not ours!). The premiere date for the first episode of "Does it Do?" is actually Friday, September 2nd, with episode 2 presumably coming out on the 9th. Our bad.
If you're yearning for Plan G content and have already caught up on F**kface and Annual Pass, we hope this will hold you over for a while.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Well, the news start coming, and they don't stop coming... 𝅘𝅥𝅮
It's no secret that Gavin is notorious for disappearing from RT/AH content for weeks, sometimes months at a time. Most of the time, it's because he has to for something related to The Slow Mo Guys, the slow-motion YouTube channel he co-runs with Daniel Gruchy. This time around, it's much bigger than that. Today, Sky Kids, a British entertainment bundle of 8 childrens' TV channels run by Sky Group Limited, announced that they commisioned Gav and Dan to create a new, original television show titled "The Slow Mo Guys' Big Adventures." You can see the promotional image below:
According to the article linked above, this new show will have a focus on science and history, with a target audience of kids aged 8 and up. Each episode will be 22 minutes long, with a total of 10 episodes altogether. "All of the episodes will be available to watch from September 1, 2022, on demand on Sky Kids and NOW. The series will also be available on Sky Showcase, with one episode airing each week from September 4th at 8:05 am BST."
We want to give Gavin and Dan congratulations for this huge accomplishment. For those who don't know, the duo has made two YouTube Originals back in 2018 and 2019. The first was "The Super Slow Show", and the second was "Planet Slow Mo". This isn't their first experience with "SMG with a much bigger budget", nor is it not the first time their work has been on TV. The fact that they were commisioned to do this at all shows how popular and beloved their original YouTube channel is to this very day. We can't wait to see how this series turns out!
After multiple teasers, it's finally been confirmed that we're getting a sequel to Uno: The Movie! We are officially losing our shit! Confirmed during today's Off Topic, Uno: Infinite will be livestreamed on September 9th on RTTV and YouTube, with the VOD being available at a later date. We'll add more updates here as time continues to pass.
Edit 9/2/22: As promised, here are some updates!
As we've learned from this short trailer, the stream will start at 3 pm Central Time. Because the audience controls the game, there's no set end time. It can go on for 2 hours. It can go on for 10! It's up to us as an audience to decide that.
Another important thing we've learned from this trailer is that when people sign up for a FIRST subscription during the stream, the AH crew has to draw more cards, thus extending the length of the game. So, if you aren't one already, then you can either sign up for a full subscription or get the free trial to keep dragging them through hell.
Edit 9/6/22: Coming in hot with some more information!
One piece of info is that on Twitter, AH is taking suggestions for custom Uno cards they can use on Friday's stream. You can suggest an idea of your own, or click like on ideas from other community members in the replies.
The other, arguably bigger piece of news we have today is that apparently, RT made an official website for Uno: Infinite! We are not fucking with you. Here is the link to the site.
As for proof that this is legit, this was the pop-up notification one of the admins here got on the RT site earlier today:
But wait, there's more! LASO is fucking back, baby!!! The game? Halo 5. The crew? Michael, Gavin, Alfredo, and Joe, with Trevor as their cheerleader. They started recording earlier this week. While they haven't made much progress so far because "they were all goopy", Trevor is keeping the spirit alive by making a 'GO LASO' sign with some cardboard. At some point in the recording, he accidentally hit Joe in the head with it:
It's been a busy news week, and we're pretty excited for all this new content coming soon!
We have two pieces of news for you today! The first is that Shaun Bolen of Hang Time, previously known as Game Attack, had Trevor on his podcast to talk about how he came to run AH! You can read about Shaun and Hang Time in more detail following this link to Shaun's post on the RT subreddit. Otherwise, you can just follow this link to view it on YouTube.
This next bit of news is more of a fun community announcement. If you don't already know, there's an AU circulating around Tumblr called YDYD Obsidian. It started as a series of asks between thedeaddandy and kingpattillo (one of our dear admins), and soon turned into a small community effort. With headcanons, fanart, scenes in Mine-imator... the list goes on. Jeremy caught wind of the AU and posted this video on Twitter to shout it out! When asked by a community member if it was in reference to the Obsidian AU, Jeremy said the following:
"Basically, I see people being creative and making fun lore, I want to help. Reminds me of days with the AH King series and such."
He talked a little more about it on his Twitch stream today, reiterating what he'd said in his tweets, and mentioned that he messaged Trevor about the AU, as well! We'll just have to wait and see if anything more comes from it.
If you'd like to know more about YDYD Obsidian, or join in on the fun, you can check out Erlande's chronological tag on their account here (scroll to the bottom to see more pages), or alternatively, you can simply search "ydyd obsidian" on Tumblr!
Wow, you're 14 years old today! Thank you to everyone working hard at AH for so many years of laughs. We hope you know how much of a positive impact you've had on the fans who enjoy your content and the people who make it. We wish we could've done something bigger here on the fansite, but life has been kicking the admins' asses lately. Please take this poorly Photoshopped image as compensation:
Quick reminder- with RTX panels not being streamed this year, and neither of us going to RTX in person, any information here that isn't from verified RT/AH accounts on social media is from fellow community members. A massive shoutout goes out to them, because without their posts, we wouldn't have any news to share here on the fansite for weeks! With that, some panel info will be pretty scarce at first, or just straight-up missing, like the Post Team and Challenge Accepted panels, but with some of these panels eventually having VODs recorded and released in the near future, we hope that we can use those to fill in the gaps we missed. With that outta the way, let's get started!
Happy FIRST Night, everyone! Here's what's been announced so far:
Survive Block Island: Meltdown Cast
Hardcore Tabletop presents: The Red Dragon Inn Cast
RWBY (we know this is an AH fansite, but sshhh) [RT Site VOD]
Speaking at the RWBY panel was Eddy Rivas, Laura Yates, Kerry Shawcross, Lindsay Jones, Barbara Dunkelman, Arryn Zech, and Kara Eberle. The official RWBY Twitter made a thread that was updated throughout the panel that you can read here. Otherwise, here's a list of of all the announcements:
Bonus: It's been confirmed by the official RT Animation channel on YouTube that the RWBY and RvB panels from today have both been recorded, and will be uploaded sometime this July. No specific date or timeframe or anything; just July.
Edit 7/12/22: Turns out they meant today, almost all at the same time at 6 pm EST. The schedule was flooded with RTX panels. Alongside linking the respective VODs with each section we write about here, we'll also just link the RTX channel page for anyone to look for something we missed!
First Achievement Hunter Panel [RT Site VOD]
Attending the Achievement Hunter panel was Michael Jones, Jack Pattillo, Lindsay Jones, Joe Lee, BlackKrystel, Ify Nwadiwe, and Fiona Nova!
The only thing announced at this panel (as far as we know) was Egg Jeopardy, with Egg-isode 2 confirmed to be premiering this July. It looks like the audience got a teaser for the episode. To make up for that being the only news from this panel, here's a couple group pictures :)
Some other highlights from this panel are:
AH Wrestling: Last Call [RT Site VOD]
This packed panel had Aaryn Porter, Matt Bragg, Fiona Nova, Trevor Collins, Ky Cooke, Lindsay Jones, Alfredo Diaz, Jeremy Dooley, Michael Jones, Eric Baudour, James Willems, and Larry Matovina! Gavin Free wasn't there in person, but his character was in the WWE 2K19 game the group watched, so he technically counts as a participant. There will be spoilers ahead, of course, so the big ones are censored. If you don't give a shit about spoilers, or have already attended the panel, just click or tap the black bars to see the full text. Some highlights from the panel (courtesy of tumblr user vanessakimbae) include:
Red vs. Blue: Back to Base-ics [RT Site VOD] [YouTube VOD]
This panel was hosted by Jenn Tidwell, Joshua Kazemi, Joshua Ornelas, Austin Clark, and Eddy Rivas. Some highlights from this panel include:
Werewolves [RT Site VOD]
Several rounds of the game Werewolves included Ify Nwadiwe, Joe Lee, Alfredo Diaz, Ky Cooke, Jackie Butler, Sam Mitchell, Joshua Ornelas, Kyle Taylor, Chris Kokkinos, and Eddy Rivas. Like the list of panel highlights for AH Wrestling, the list for Werewolves will also be properly censored. Some highlights (also courtesy of tumblr user vanessakimbae) from and before the panel include:
You can see some photos from the Werewolves panel here!
Day 2Let's Roll
On this Let's Roll panel, Rules Wizard Larry Matovina is joined by Trevor Collins, Alfredo Diaz, Matt Bragg, and Jeremy Dooley. The first game they played was "Rhino Hero: Super Battle", a tower-building game where you roll dice to progress up the tower, and whoever is at the highest point when it falls down wins. The second game played was "Snake Oil", a card game where the players are snake-oil salesmen who each have to pitch a product to potential customers in only 30 seconds, using 2 random words printed on one card in a 6-card hand.
There aren't many highlights from the Rhino Hero portion, but according to Tumblr user heyheyroosterteeth, Trevor recorded his POV on Instagram, but it may be tragically lost to time, because the admins of this site cannot find the recording for the life of us.
Highlights from the Snake Oil portion include:
Here are some photos from the Let's Roll panel, and here is a video clip of Jeremy's "Virgin Raft" pitch!
Team Friendly Fire
BlackKrystel and Ky Cooke were joined by their friends KoolySmiley, RayApollo, Bloodyfaster, CriticalBard, ChelseaBytes, and MeganPlays.
While we don't know much about this panel, two things we do know are:Face Jam [RT Site VOD] [YouTube VOD]
Michael Jones, Jordan Cwierz, Eric Baudour, and Nick "Sauce Monkey" Schwartz were on this panel to review food and fuck around. Mostly fuck around, let's be real here. With credit to Tumblr user outinthegeoffs, highlights include:
You can see several photos from the Face Jam panel here!
Second Achievement Hunter Panel [RT Site VOD]
Attending the other Achievement Hunter panel was Trevor Collins, Alfredo Diaz, Sarah Weems, Jeremy Dooley, Ky Cooke, Lindsay Jones, and Geoff Ramsey! Matt Bragg was planned to be on this panel, but couldn't make it, which led to Lindsay taking his place. Some highlights provided by Tumblr users outinthegeoffs and vanessakimbae include:
Here are some photos from the panel!
Day 3F-ing Around with Ify and Fiona
Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova are joined by their friends BadGalShay, Tinaraes, AvaGG, MunchkinDoom, and DDS618 on the Gaming Pavilion as they all played through several rounds of Fall Guys with some community members! You can see several pictures Ify took of the group here.
Everyone seemed to have fun, but one highlight is that during a round of the game, nobody in their group qualified to advance to the next round because they all fell off of a platform around the same time. Fiona was most definitely stunned.
Survive Block Island: The Reunion [RT Site VOD]
In attendance was the entire cast of season 1: Alfredo Diaz, Barbara Dunkelman, BlackKrystel, Charlotte McGrath, Chris Demarais, Gustavo Sorola, Jacob Fullerton, Jon Risinger, Joe Lee, Lindsay Jones, Matt Bragg, Trevor Collins, and Patrick Brown.
Generally, the cast answered questions sent from the audience, talked about their perspectives on the first season, shared their reactions to how the games worked out for them, and of course, aired out the spicy (jokey) drama when the cameras were rolling. Here are some of the pictures from the panel!
Edit 7/17/22: Okay, so here's the "tea" (Spoilers for both the panel and the main SBI series ahead, of course):
Achievement Hunter vs RDCWorld1
This one wasn't even a panel. The battle happened at the RTX Gaming Pavilion, a huge, crowded convention floor:
so this event has the least amount of information publically available. What we do know for sure is that the two groups battled against each other in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. On the AH side was Matt Bragg, Michael Jones, Ky Cooke, and BlackKrystel, and on the RDCW side was Johnathan Newton, Benjamin Skinner, Mark Phillips, and Dylan Patel. Suffice to say, Achievement Hunter got their asses beat, but they did manage to catch some Ws thanks to BK.
OT3 Goes to Superhell
Ashley Dillard, Sarah Weems, and Jarren Martinez handled the panel in person, while Steffie Hardy joined virtually because on her way to the convention, someone she was hanging out with earlier tested positive for COVID. Fortunately, Steffie's test came out negative, but she didn't want to take the risk of getting others sick during the event, just in case.
Throughout the hour, the crew went through a speed round of mini-episodes where they dish out their hot takes from as many fandoms as they can.
Annual Pass Goes to Japan
Okay, so for anyone who doesn't listen to Annual Pass, there's a long-running joke started by Jack Pattillo that he, Geoff Ramsey, Ben Ernst (their producer) and now BlackKrystel should get enough funding to travel to amusement/theme parks in Japan and be able to write that off as a business expense. Jack joked about the Twitter hashtag being #GetAnnualPasstoJapan, which was shortened to #JapannualPass because that's much quicker to say.
It turns out that the estimated amount of money needed for them to go to Japan is a whopping $5,439,110.91.
All of this context is needed because the main highlight of their RTX panel has the same energy. Basically, they set up a PowerPoint presentation that looks like something a grade schooler pulled together in 30 minutes. It detailed all the reasons they should travel to Japan. You can see some pictures of the slides here, here, and here.
As a bonus, here's a photo from the AH Instagram:
This panel is hard to summarize because not a lot of information about it is out there on the internet, but what we know for sure is that Gustavo Sorola, Geoff Ramsey, and Eric Baudour shot the shit for an hour, and one thing they talked about is fake convention center coffee.
Edit 7/10/22: Oh my God, they actually saved the panel. It's audio-only instead of a video like the other VODs because the room they were in didn't allow it. To get around that, they bought an H6 portable audio recorder (as shown in the video thumbnail) and recorded the panel like a bootleg, hence the "lost tapes" in the VOD's URL. Amazing. The "audio texture" is off the charts for this episode, so if you're expecting clear audio, you're not getting it here, but it's honestly better than nothing.
Onto more highlights:
Always Open
The Always Open panel was led by Barbara Dunkelman, along with her friends Jessica Vasami, Elyse Willems, and Blizzb3ar!
While we know this isn't technically AH-related, we felt it was important to let you know that besides Barb answering questions and prompts from the audience as usual, she also announced that Always Open will be back this coming Fall! Thanks to Tumblr user heyheyroosterteeth, we know we're getting a new set, and Barbara is going to be the host! Due to a position change in the company, Mariel will not be back hosting. However, she'll be on as a guest when she can!
And of course, here are some cute photos of the crew!
Off Topic [RT Site VOD] [YouTube VOD]
Joining this panel is Fiona Nova, Ify Nwadiwe, Michael Jones, Alfredo Diaz, and Geoff Ramsey (with a bonus Jack Pattillo running on stage!)
Hoo boy. The only thing (and possibly biggest thing) we have to go off of at this panel for now is a post from Tumblr user outinthegeoffs in which Fiona apparently taught the audience so much about Ify's sex life. Based off of Twitter reactions and this ominous selfie from Ify himself, we're like, 90% sure that Ify ate somebody's ass (or someone ate HIS ass?) in the back of his Tesla car, and the result was, in a literal sense, messy as fuck. We don't even know how much more explicit we can get with this panel description once the VOD for the panel comes out. What we can say for sure is that Ify is an absolute menace.
Edit 7/9/22: So it turns out we were mostly right! The only thing we missed was that the woman whose ass was eaten by Ify was a Disney cast member, as was Ify, which is how they hooked up. Fiona found out through sheer coincidence from the woman, and as a result of that, told it to the public. We don't know if that was a blessing or a curse, but it was really funny nonetheless.
Please use these wholesome panel photos as a palette cleanser.
Anyways, other highlights include:
For those who've missed it, Achievement Hunter: The Musical was missing on major streaming platforms for several months since earlier this year, for reasons nobody really knows to this day. With this tweet from Jack, we at the very least know that AH didn't voluntarily take it down themselves. With all of this being said, we're happy to note that AH the Musical has successfully reappeared on Spotify as of today! With this, there have been two major changes:
The first change is that the album cover art has been updated to include Fiona:
We don't know anything about Fiona's song for the musical yet, but her being included on the updated album cover confirms that despite her leaving AH in 2021, she and the rest of AH still want to do stuff together, and we think that's really sweet :')
The other major change is that "Still in the Air" (Ryan's song) has been grayed out, meaning that people aren't able to play it from the album anymore. This was likely intentional, considering, well... everything that happened with Ryan back in 2020.
Currently, it still doesn't seem to show up on iTunes/Apple Music, but there's a chance that things are still being finalized there, considering that it took months for the musical to show up on Spotify. For the time being, check back here to see when it does pop up.
Edit 6/29/22: The musical has successfully shown up again on Apple Music! Happy listening ~𝅘𝅥𝅮
With RTX right around the corner (one week from today!), here are a few updates we've gathered so far:
Oh hey, new doc just dropped.
Today, part 1 of Achievement Hunter's AH Live 2022 documentary went up on the RT site, exclusively for FIRST members. As mentioned on Twitter, part 2 will be out next week (June 21st).
This part is similar to the full Let's Play Live doc from 2015, back when Ray was still an AH member. If you enjoyed that, then this one will certainly be a treat!
Update: Hey, part 2 just dropped.
The second part of Achievement Hunter's AH Live 2022 documentary is now up on the RT site, exclusively for FIRST members. This one's a real tearjerker (in a good way, we promise).
Trevor spent some time answering community questions in both the Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth subreddits yesterday. He touched on the changes the team has been making and how it's an ever evolving process, that they have seen positive change as far as the algorithm is concerned- although, he also pointed out it will take time to truly know if what they are doing will stick. Trevor has noted that they are working with trusted consultants on this and feel confident they're moving in the right direction. He's also mentioned a change in how the team approaches streaming, citing Twitch activity and the State Farm Gamerhood streams specifically, with hopefully more to come!
There were a couple instances in which he mentioned this, and we have mentioned it ourselves here on this site, but he hopes the community stays engaged (and most importantly patient) with these changes! Trevor cares a whole lot about AH and the community as a whole, so please trust him! You can read his full comments by following this link to his user profile on Reddit.
So like, what's up with all the eggs lately?
"Egg Jeopardy!" is a passion project Trevor has been teasing for the past month or so. As the title suggests, it's like the popular American TV game show "Jeopardy!", but themed entirely around eggs. No huge spoilers, but the concept is as weird as it sounds. Trevor's in a bald cap. The buzzers are eggs. There are egg puns. Hell, the profile picture on AH's Twitter was just changed to this:
It's absolutely surreal. If you haven't experienced the video yet, you can watch it now on the RT site and on YouTube.
Hey, guess what? Best of Achievement Hunter is back! For those who missed the series when it was updating consistently, AH made video compilations that highlighted their best or funniest bits and jokes from the past month, once a month. (e.g., A video for the best of March 2017 was uploaded on the 1st of April that same year.) Today, May 31st, we saw that a new compilation for May 2022 is scheduled to release on June 1st at 12 pm CST/1 pm EST, as shown below:
You may have noticed that Achievement Hunter's editing style has shifted with the newest season of YDYD. Trevor shared a longer explanation as to why it's happening on Off Topic #334 (which you can see here, in case you missed it). To make a 5 minute discussion short, AH will be testing out different forms of video styles in order to better cater to YouTube's algorithm while still staying true to AH's core values. Trevor emphasized that he wants to be open and honest with the community during this transition, and that feedback is appreciated.
Update: Trevor released a statement on Tumblr today addressing the harsh criticism the cast and crew have been subjected to since the release of the newest season of YDYD. In this, he explains that while they test out new directions with their content and work towards necessary change, it is difficult when the community lashes out in the scale that it has. You can read the full statement here on his Tumblr account.
Since this is a community site, we feel it's worth mentioning that there is a difference between constructive criticism and outright hurtful words. Achievement Hunter has been transparent in that YouTube's algorithm is a hard beast to tackle, and that it requires evolution and change to be successful. As a community, it's as much our duty to uplift things that we like, by commenting, liking videos, and interacting within your community spaces, no matter what platform you're on. Please remember that AH are people too, whose lives rely on this, so any changes they make are never half-hearted. Basically: don't be an asshole about it.Live Twitter Feed |
Tweets by AchievementHunt |